Thursday, May 19, 2011

Disparity between the Old Media and New Media

Nishwan Rasool :-

Disparity between the Old Media and New Media
To me New media and old media isn't about the medium, it's not whether it convey from a radio or a Television, or whether it's printed on paper. Old media is begging for attention while New media itself is a attention. New media generally is digital or we can say it’s all about digitization the things and making them informative and interactive. Old media generally is analog and passive thus bounded up to the certain limits.

The print media is all about their outlook, their viewpoint their attitude and their versus. Weather it may be print or electronic media it can’t be old fashioned every publication has to move with time to time and generations after generations to sustain in an country or state weather it may be local, national or International publication.

All the components of the print media whether its stylesheet, its appearance how the readers will perceive it its outlook needs to be manipulated in accordance with the time. To, doing things differently on printing sector one has to compile all these elements. Magazine (which is an essential component in the field of print media) isn't purely an attempt at perfecting the print title, it's basically the print heading as art. It has to be serene and enjoyed and that enjoyment doesn't come through the title or heading finding its way into your pile of magazines or other table books (it's more the latter than the former) but when the best parts of the title are out on display the more demanded and readership increases because of its writing context, its look. And this is the approach that really shows the main difference between a monochrome publications and new era publication whether it would be a magazine or newspaper. New media do things differently that really makes them a part of the new media set as opposed to the old: each page of the newspaper or magazine is finely perforated down the spine, encouraging you not to just to turn the page, but to pull it out, to frame it, to have the photograph become actual art, an art that graces and beautifies your walls.
It is a fact that old media was more elite in terms of who worked for newspapers and who decided what was newsworthy), the problem with new media's age is that "anyone can be a journalist" means that there are masses of people out there with no formal training or with journalistic professional skills, ability to distinguish newsworthiness or sense of ethics drifting the Web with rumors lot of the time. enlarged access is great, but just because "anyone can be a journalist" doesn't mean that anyone SHOULD be, there should be a professionalism which can separate a local man from the true professionalism. Moreover the old media and the professionals working in the particular group like newsdesk and newsroom were assigned by their senior’s and bosses and they were make supposed to do that particular thing with the era growing and digitization and Web portals taking place Blogs, poadcast and free web site softwares being avalible on the net have separated the old media with new one. The new media which mostly carries the web services in which news also travels faster, as they don't have to wait for their time to slot for the next day’s paper to be printed. It's just a matter of gathrering, compiling, cross checking hitting submit and what you have to report its there for the world to see.

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