Monday, October 11, 2010

Showkat was severely beaten up by JKP official and was fired with 5 rounds in his Leg.

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Nishwan Rasool

Showkat mother timid with tears in her eyes said, my son was shot before my eyes I heard his loud pain cries. Showkat at that movement was uttering only one thing from his mouth (mama save me, otherwise I will die) but only words which come out from my mouth that time was have mercy on my child or else he will die.

“On Wednesday 7, August JKP official entered into our house without any provocation and ruthlessly beat up my daughters and son. Showkat, was reading in his room because he was supposed to go for a exam next day. But the official dragged him down from second floor and ruthlessly beat him up with their rifles. I begged in front of officials not to beat him but they hit me with their rifle and laid me down,” narrates her mother Haleema.
“Showkat, is 14 year old and is reading in Waheed Memorial Public School at Ganerbal. He is only younger brother among his four sisters. Some couple of years before his father suffered with mental ailment and he was shifted to Srinagar mental hospital. Showkat, never used to go in the protest which were impending in the area,” Showkat very clearly know that all the liabilities of the family were upon him and his one mistakes could result in downfall of his family. I used to work for late night hours to earn money and make Showkat, as successful person so that he can feed his family. Haleema said
‘‘The official was drunk at that time he harassed my three daughters, and brutally beat up them they were so scared that they open their room window panes and jumped out to save their life.” She added
He even did not leave the local imams who were in (aitqaaf) small room were imam worship in the month of Ramdhaan they were dragged outside on the road and mud and dirt were putted on their face,” said his releative Abdul Rashid
“The shopkeepers who left their shop opens for essential commodities were even not spared the official took out their hens and broke down their neck”, said another resident of Ganderbal
“When Showkat was putted in Ambulance and blood was oozing out from his leg the official came and broke down all the window panes of the ambulance he even did not allow us to move a bit,” said his cousin brother who wished to keep his name anonymous
“They have not fired on his leg but they have fired on our hopes, they have killed all our wishes we are really worried about his future”, said his sister Rubeena.

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